Senate Bill Creates Path for Undocumented Immigrants, But at Cost of Radically Militarized Border
From Democracy Now!
The Senate has approved a long-awaited immigration reform bill that creates a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants while imposing unprecedented new measures for border security. It would spend $46 billion to nearly double the number of border agents to 40,000, expand the use of drones, and construct around 700 miles of border fencing. Republicans introduced the border amendment in a bid to win their colleagues’ support, prompting criticism from a number of immigrant rights groups who say the added “security” requirements are so extreme they undermine the bill overall. We’re joined by two guests: Lorella Praeli, director of advocacy and policy at the United We Dream Coalition; and Fernando Garcia, founding director of the Border Network for Human Rights. Garcia was arrested earlier this week outside the Democrat’s headquarters in Dallas to protest the party’s approval of increased border militarization.