Q&A on the Texas Convention
To register for the Texas Convention, February 20 in Austin, click here.
What is the Texas Convention for Immigrant Integration?
The Texas Convention will be a historic moment when hundreds of Texas immigrant families, civil rights advocates, students, business representatives, unions, and local and federal elected officials will come together in the Capital of the State (Austin) to recognized the contributions of immigrants to the well-being and greatness of the state of Texas and the nation.
What is the goal of the Texas Convention?
All participants and represented sectors at the convention will make an unequivocal call to reform our obsolete immigration system and to establish a comprehensive policy that: 1) will bring out of the shadows millions of immigrant workers; 2) integrates efficiently immigrant families to the economic, social, cultural and political fabric of our society; 3) develops and implements accountable, humane and responsible border and interior enforcement policies; 4) provides long-term solutions for immigration flows based on the needs of our economy, the dignity and rights of immigrant workers and the realities of the global migration process.
What are the objectives of the Texas Convention?
The leadership of the US Congress and the Obama administration have expressed their commitment to start meaningful discussions to reform our current immigration system in the first half of 2010. In this context, the Texas Convention aims to unify the voices of Texans that favor comprehensive immigration reform. Furthermore, the Texas Convention aims to place Texas, the second state in the nation with the most immigrant families and the largest border state, in a leadership role in the national discussions. In Texas, we believe that a thoughtful overhaul of the immigration system is good for our economy, for our families and for our community security.
Who is convening and organizing the Texas Convention?
The Texas Convention is convened and organized by the Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance (RITA), a statewide coalition integrated by immigrant and human rights organizations, service providers, workers’ unions and faith-based institutions. The Border Network for Human Rights (based in El Paso) coordinates the logistics and communications of RITA, and the RITA Executive Committee, composed by RITA’s founding organizations from several cities in Texas, has the role of developing our statewide strategies and work plans.
Who can participate at the Texas Convention?
Any organization, institution, group and individual that shares the goal and objectives of the Texas Convention is invited to participate.
How can I participate at the Texas Convention?
Organizations and individuals may attend the Convention free of charge. Please register by clicking here.
The agenda of the Convention will reflect the different sectors in Texas that support sensible immigration reform. If your group would like to provide testimony on the impact of the current immigration laws on families, businesses, or congregations, please contact Adriana Cadena, RITA Coordinator, at 915-577-0724 or acadena@bnhr.org.
Direct media inquiries to Louie Gilot, Communications Director of the Border Network, at lgilot@bnhr.org.
Who can I contact in my region to coordinate my participation?
Austin: Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition • 512-476-2472 • info@autinirc.org
El Paso: Border Network for Human Rights • Betty Tercero •
915-577-0724 • btercero@bnhr.org
Dallas: Catholic Charities of Dallas • Catarina Torres • 214-520-6590 X124 • ctorres@central.catholiccharitiesdallas.org
Forth Worth: Coalition for Immigration Reform of Dallas/Ft.Worth & North Texas • 817-922-0280 • proyectoinmigranteics@yahoo.com
Stephenville: Welcoming Immigrants Network • Dean Reed •
254-485-5832 • rdr17@me.com
Houston: Mi Familia Vota Civic Participation Campaign •
Thomas Servello • 713-296-1623 • thomas@mifamiliavota.net
Brownsville: Movimiento del Valle por los Derechos Humanos • Maria Cordero • 956-832-4989 • mariaranchoalegre@yahoo.com
San Juan: La Union del Pueblo Entero • Marta Sanchez  •
956-584-3636  • martas@lupenet.org
Where will the Convention be held and what time will it start?
The Convention will be held at the Travis County Expo Center, located on 7311 Decker Lane in Austin, TX 78724, from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
What should I take to the Texas Convention?
U.S. & Texas flags, photos of family members affected by immigration laws, and banners and t-shirts of organizations.