Gov. Susana Martinez Opens Driver’s License Verification Office In Las Cruces

Photo courtesy of Robotclaw666 on Flickr

Possibly in response to the barrage of criticism over her  identity-check lottery for foreigners, New Mexico Gov. Suana Martinez is expanding her flawed program.

Martinez’s office announced Tuesday that the state would be opening a identity and residency reverification office in Las Cruces.

In case you missed it, the governor sent 10,000 letters to foreign nationals living in the state informing them that they would have to verify – again – that they lived in the state. The only way to comply was to show up at an appointment in Albuquerque. That’s merely a 10-hour round trip for those living in Las Cruces.

This obvious misstep led many to question why the governor didn’t think this program through to its logical conclusions. If she was really concerned with security, why did she make it impossible for those living in the southern part of the state to comply?

For independent information about the governor’s program in Las Cruces, call Lourdes at 575-805-2698.

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