El Paso County Candidates Forum


                                                   **CANDIDATES FORUM**


El Paso County Candidates Accountability Session

October 12, 2010

El Paso Public Library (Main Auditorium)

 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.




The Border Network for Human Rights, an 12-year-old community organizing group with about 4,000 members in El Paso and Southern New Mexico, will have a candidates forum to explore our future elected officials’ positions on issues related to immigration, border enforcement and human rights protection.

This event will engage candidates for key races in El Paso (Tim, Collins, Tim Besco, Silvestre Reyes, Joe Moody, Dee Margo, Jose Rodriguez, Dan Chavez, Veronica Escobar, Jaime O Perez and Marisa Marquez, all confirmed.) in a face-to-face dialogue with the community to explore their vision when it comes to legislation that affects the lives and livelihoods of border residents. About 250 participants are expected.

Our members include many registered voters who are actively engaged in the city’s civic life.

They have expressed a great interest in hearing about candidates’ views on the Arizona law SB1070 and the possible introduction of a similar bill in Texas. In view of the recent deployment of the National Guard to the border, our members are also likely to ask about further militarization of the border.




This Event is open to the media.







More information on the Border Network for Human Rights: This organization, founded in 1998, is one of the leading immigration reform and human rights advocacy organization in the United States. Based in El Paso, the BNHR counts about 4,000 members in El Paso and Southern New Mexico. Visit us at www.bnhr.org.

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