BNHR to Participate in a Univision Census Forum on Children’s Day
April 30th, 2020. EL PASO, TX. – To celebrate Children’s Day, Border Network for Human Rights along with other organizations will participate in a Univision Census Forum on April 30th at 11:00 am. Forum participants will include Irma Cruz, Policy and Campaign Engagement Coordinator at BNHR, Arturo Vargas, President of NALEO; Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de León, Consul General of Mexico in El Paso; Sylvia Hernando, Health Promoter with the School of Public Health (UTHealth) in El Paso; and Armando Rodriguez, Canutillo ISD Board Member.
While many Texans have already responded to the 2020 Census, many are still behind in this important effort. Border Network for Human Rights wants to make sure our community participates. To achieve this goal, we have partnered with Univision for a fun informational event for the entire family, giving children the opportunity to win gift cards and other prizes sponsored by BNHR along the way.
Census representatives will also be on stand-by throughout the event, ready to take calls from community members and assist them with any questions they may have about filling out the census. Join us on April 30th for this family-friendly census celebration including prizes, gift cards, and more. Filling out the census means loving your kids.
The Border Network for Human Rights, founded in 1998, is one of the leading human rights advocacy and immigration reform organizations in the U.S. BNHR has over 7,000 members in West Texas and Southern New Mexico