Border Communities Deeply Disappointed on Supreme Court on DACA/DAPA
Struggle for Comprehensive Immigration Reform Continues
The Border Network for Human Rights and our communities are deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court’s 4-4 ruling regarding DACA/Expanded and DAPA in the case of Texas v. United States. We do remind people that this does not affect persons currently covered by the existing DACA program, which remains intact.
This outcome, what is essentially a non-decision by the court, leaves intact a 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that makes millions of American children and parents vulnerable to deportation, puts millions of families at risk of separation and trauma, and drives undocumented Americans deeper into the shadows of our society. It shows a callous and broken political system that, as indicated by Speaker Ryan’s declaration of this ruling as a ‘victory’, repeatedly fails to work for just and moral outcomes for immigrant communities. Allowing the status quo today affirmed by the court to persist presents a moral harm to our country we cannot endure.
In the wake of today’s ruling, the moral and practical need for Comprehensive Immigration Reform that includes a path to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented Americans becomes ever clearer.
As BNHR Executive Director Fernando Garcia said regarding today’s ruling, “The struggle continues. Hope is not dead. The dream is still alive. The question is not whether we have an immigration reform or not, the question is when. The answer to that depends on each of us, on our continuing participation in the community’s struggle.”
Border communities need to be able to rise to the challenge today’s ruling presents. If we value our families, our dignity, our rights, we must organize and mobilize in their defense. Those who celebrate the injustice of today’s events are not going away. Instead, in the current political climate of racism, xenophobia, and hatred they are only becoming stronger.
Border Network and our members and allies are rising to that challenge. In the words of community member Susana Herrera of El Paso, Texas, “We will keep fighting for the integration of our families, and to achieve an immigration reform.” Likewise, student Yazmin Gomez of West Way, Texas, who would have been covered by the DACA expansion, said “Teens are not quitting until they reach their dreams.”
This determination in the face of such adversity is the only way we will achieve the long-term reform we need to ensure the safety, dignity, well-being, and rights of immigrant communities here and across the country. Border Network urges all eligible citizens to register to vote ahead of this fall’s election. Moreover, we urge all people seeking justice, dignity, and rights to organize and mobilize to effect the change we need to improve our collective quality-of-life. The Border Network for Human Rights operates dozens of Human Rights Committees across El Paso and Dona Ana Counties that are open to all interested—please contact Organizing Director Claudia Diaz (575-520-8851) for more information or if you are interested in joining.
The Border Network for Human Rights, founded in 1998, is one of the leading human rights advocacy and immigration reform organizations located at the U.S./Mexico Border. BNHR has over 7,000 members in West Texas and Southern New Mexico.