The US National Christian Chaplain Association recognized Border Network for Human Rights as Institution of the year. We at BNHR are deeply excited with this recognition that will take place tomorrow December 3, 2016 at the International Congress of Christian Chaplain Association in Houston, TX. We want to say that we will continue to work with border marginalized communities, to the end that they can create political, economic and social changes where every human being is equal in dignity and rights. Thanks to all those that continue to participate with BNHR educating communities about their rights under the US Constitution. The recognition comes after BNHR organized its second event at the border called “Hugs Not Walls” where 300 families were able to reunite and embrace their loved ones. Families that had been deported and separated due to the harsh border immigration policies. A third event is being planned for January 28th, the message we aim to send through this event is to stop deportation and family separation. We need humane border policies and an immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.