Author: Border Network for Human Rights
Mexenex–Carlos Gutierrez, 35, had a beautiful wife, two young children and a thriving business providing concessions for major sporting events in his home state of Chihuahua, Mexico. In 2011, his life changed forever. Local...
Immigrant Justice Network–Some Republicans in the House of Representatives are trying to pass the (un) “SAFE Act” as their answer to federal immigration reform. This extreme bill provides no path to citizenship and will...
Photo By Kin Man Hui/San Antonio Express-News JOHN MACCORMACK, MYSANANTONIO.COM, SAN ANTONIO– Declaring that comprehensive immigration reform is long overdue, more than 250 people moved, chanted and sweated on a march through San Antonio’s...
Photo By Karen Warren/Staff Anita Hassan, Houston Chronicle–Houston Mayor Annise Parker stood at the top of the City Hall steps Saturday afternoon before a large crowd of people, eagerly waiting for her to give...
Armando Vela/El Diario de El Paso Perla Chaparro, El Diario de El Paso– Cerca 500 personas en conjunto con grupos pro derechos de inmigrantes marcharon en Las Cruces, Nuevo México como parte de la...
Border Communities Welcome House Democrat Action on Immigration Reform and the Rejection of Corker/Hoeven Militarization Agenda For Immediate Release: October 2nd, 2013 Today’s introduction of an immigration reform bill by House Democrats highlights that...